Chair-ries Jubilee 2019

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Name: Chair-ries Jubilee 2019
Date: April 12, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
Chair-ries Jubilee 2019, will be Friday, April 12, at The Museum Center at 5ive Points beginning at 6:00 p.m.  
Food, beverages, silent and live auction.

The Allied Arts Council of the Chamber of Commerce has provided nearly $500,000 to local schools and the community since the inception of the Chair-ries
 Jubilee fundraiser. These monies provide funding for teachers to receive grants for art programs they wish to bring to their classrooms, and for visiting artists to appear in area schools and arts in our community.  
The Museum Center at 5ive Points.
Date/Time Information:
Friday, April 12, 2019 
Tickets are $25.00 in advance and $30.00 at the door the night of the event.
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